Animation History Music
At a young age, Nitaroh is stricken with an illness that leaves him blind. He inherits the shamisen guitar once used by his mother and is taught its basics by a blind travelling shamisen player. In time with the help of friends old and new, he walks the paths that leads to his ultimate fate - that of founder of the Tsugaru style of shamisen play.
Directed by
Akio Nishizawa
Akio Otsuka
Santaro (voice)
Satoshi Hino
Nitaboh (adult) (voice)
Masako Katsuki
Tamana (voice)
Rokuro Naya
Osyo (voice)
Hiroaki Hirata
Tomekichi (voice)
Ikuko Tani
Itako (voice)
Takateru Murata
Nitaboh (child) (voice)

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