Animation Sci-Fi
On a future Earth, war between the Kingdom of Honneamise and its rival, The Republic, is inevitable. As evolving technology creates new ways to wage war, a small group seeks to propel mankind into space in their world’s first spaceflight program. For astronaut candidate Shirotsugh Lhadatt, it’s a personal odyssey as he grows from an aimless young man into a leader willing to put everything on the line in order to move the human race forward and away from the brink of Armageddon.
Directed by
Hiroyuki Yamaga
Written by
Hiroyuki Yamaga
Mitsuki Yayoi
Riquinni Nonderaiko (voice)
Hirotaka Suzuoki
Domorhot (voice)
Bin Shimada
Yanaran (voice)
Yoshito Yasuhara
Nekkerout (voice)
Chikao Ohtsuka
Dr. Gnomm (voice)
Kazuyuki Sogabe
Marty Tohn (voice)
Koji Totani
Tchallichammi (voice)
Leo Morimoto
Shirotsugh Lhadatt (voice)
Masato Hirano
Kharock (voice)
Masahiro Anzai
Majaho (voice)
Aya Murata
Manna Nonderaiko (voice)
Hiroshi Izawa

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