Drama Crime Thriller
Nick Garcos comes back from his tour of duty in World War II planning to settle down with his girlfriend, Polly Faber. He learns, however, that his father was recently beaten and burglarized by mob-connected trucker Mike Figlia, and Nick resolves to get even. He partners with prostitute Rica, and together they go after Mike, all the while getting pulled further into the local crime underworld.
Directed by
Jules Dassin
Lee J. Cobb
Mike Figlia
Frank Richards
Cab Driver (uncredited)
Valentina Cortese
Millard Mitchell
Ed Kinney
Dick Wessel
Cab Driver (uncredited)
Irene Tedrow
Mrs. Faber (uncredited)
David Opatoshu
Frenchy (uncredited)
Robert Bice
Announcer (uncredited)
Percy Helton
Roadside Bar Manager (uncredited)
Howland Chamberlain
Mr. Faber (uncredited)
Richard Conte
Nick Garcos
David Clarke
Mitch (uncredited)
John Merton
State Highway Policeman (uncredited)
Joe Haworth
Inspector (uncredited)
Walter Baldwin
Officer Riley (uncredited)
Harry Wilson
Fifth (uncredited)
Hope Emerson
Barbara Lawrence
Polly Faber
James Nolan
Smaller Cop at Roadside Bar (uncredited)
Norbert Schiller
Mr. Polansky
Jack Oakie
Ted Jordan
State Highway Policeman (uncredited)
Robert Foulk
Taller Cop at Roadside Bar (uncredited)
Edwin Max
Dave (uncredited)
Morris Carnovsky
Yanko Garcos
Ann Morrison
Mable (uncredited)
Frank Kreig
Clerk (uncredited)
Tamara Shayne
Parthena Garcos
Mario Siletti
Pietro (uncredited)
Kasia Orzazewski
Mrs. Polansky
Roy Damron
Motor Policeman (uncredited)
Al Eben
Newman (uncredited)
Saul Martell
Stukas (uncredited)
Maurice Samuels
Mario (uncredited)

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