Comedy Romance
Dave, Sam and Jeff are about to graduate from Holden University with honors in lying, cheating and scheming. The three roommates have proudly scammed their way through the last four years of college and now, during final exams, these big-men-on-campus are about to be busted by the most unlikely dude in school. Self-dubbed Cool Ethan, an ambitious nerd with a bad crush, enters their lives one day and everything begins to unravel.
Directed by
Dewey Nicks
Written by
David H. Steinberg
Cameron Diaz
Cameron Diaz
Gina Gershon
Girl at Trendy Club
Jason Schwartzman
Ethan Dulles
Devon Sawa
Dave Goodman
Kane Hodder
Jaime King
Angela Patton
Sam Anderson
Charles Patton
Laura Prepon
Kenny Endoso
Nat Faxon
Karl, the Grad Student
Todd Giebenhain
Stoned Test Taker
Jim Rash
Head T.A. Philip
Alissa Kramer
Hot Twin #2
Michael McDonald
Economics Professor
Gedde Watanabe
Japanese Proctor
Jason Segel
Sam Schechter
Thomas Rosales Jr.
Joe Flaherty
Mr. Leonard
Heidi Kramer
Hot Twin #1
Melanie Paxson
Pissed Off Co-Ed
Michael C. Maronna
Jeff Davis
Mamie Van Doren
Mrs. Van Graaf
Jonathan Kasdan
Leigh Taylor-Young
Valerie Patton
Charles Dougherty
Astronomy Professor
Travis Davis
Airborne Express Driver
Shelley Dowdy
Don Michaelson
Professor Markoe
Marilyn Staley
Singing Waitress
Jason Garner
Singing Waiter

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