Romance Drama Comedy
A country girl (Simone Berriau) finds work as a chorus girl in Paris, gets embroiled with a bad egg, and then finds true love with a good-looking milkman.
Directed by
Max Ophüls
Written by
Colette, Max Ophüls, Jean-Georges Auriol
Gina Manès
George Rigaud
Le Lait (Antonin)
Paul Azaïs
Jeanne Fusier-Gir
Mme. Nicou, Concierge
Simone Berriau
Divine (Ludivine Jarisse)
Thérèse Dorny
La Poison
Philippe Hériat
Sylvette Fillacier
Catherine Fonteney
Mme Jarisse
Jeanne Véniat
Mme Martelli

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