Comedy War
Georgia farm boy Will Stockdale is about to bust with pride. He’s been drafted. Will’s ready. But is Uncle Sam ready for Will?
Directed by
Mervyn LeRoy
Andy Griffith
Will Stockdale
Murray Hamilton
Irving S. Blanchard
Don Knotts
Cpl. John C. Brown
Dub Taylor
Mr. McKinney
Will Hutchins
Lt. George Bridges
William Fawcett
Pa Stockdale
Nick Adams
Benjamin Whitledge
Jean Willes
WAF Captain
Raymond Bailey
Base Colonel
Howard Smith
Maj. Gen. Eugene Bush
Bartlett Robinson
James Millhollin
Maj. Royal B. Demming
Myron McCormick
Sgt. Orville C. King
Sydney Smith
Maj. Gen. Vernon Pollard
Henry McCann
Lt. Cover

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