Comedy Romance
Life is easy for 43-year-old Luis, a happy single guy, fulfilled in his job of star nose with a perfume creation company, cosseted by his mother and five sisters. It could have lasted for a whole life, but fed up with mollycoddling and helping him, his mother and sisters decide it's time he got married, and the sooner the better!
Directed by
Eric Lartigau
Written by
Laurent Zeitoun, Laurent Tirard, Grégoire Vigneron, Alain Chabat, Philippe Mechelen
Charlotte Gainsbourg
Aïssa Maïga
Kirsten Hansen, l'assistante de la directrice
Anne Marivin
La vendeuse Carabosse
Alain Chabat
Luis Costa
Bernadette Lafont
Geneviève Costa
Wladimir Yordanoff
Francis Bertatoff
Louise Monot
Christiane Millet
Françoise Messier-Lalande, la directrice de Neiko
Tatiana Gousseff
Francine Lebrun, l'employée de la DDASS
Grégoire Oestermann
Katia Lewkowicz
Denis Maréchal
Le médecin
Luce Mouchel
Eric Debrosse
Beau-frère 1
Marie-Armelle Deguy
Alix de Konopka
Sandrine Philippi, née Bourrague, l'amour de jeunesse
Véronique Barrault

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