Drama War
In order to save a friend's daughter, a 17-year-old Jewish girl, from the Ustashas, the Croatian family arranges her to be wed to their son Ivo.
Directed by
France Štiglic
Written by
France Štiglic
Beba Lončar
Dragan Milivojević
Boris Dvornik
Ivo Vojnović
Zlatko Madunić
Emil Glad
Ustasha on the balcony of the college
Dušica Žegarac
Ruth Alkalaj
Zvonimir Ferenčić
Police officer (uncredited)
Mihajlo Kostić 'Pljaka'
Branko Tatić
Ivo's father
Ervina Dragman
Ivo's mother
Vera Misita
Božidar Drnić
Ruth's father
Đurđa Šegedin
Ruth's mother
Nedim Omerbegović
Vladimir Krstulović
Ustasha officer
Dragutin Krelijus
Former officer trapped in a raid
Viktor Leljak
Ustasha with a team
Etta Bortolazzi
Camp inmate
Rikard Brzeska
Police officer (uncredited)
Krešimir Zidarić
Police officer (uncredited)
Rikard Simonelli
College colleague (uncredited)
Zdravko Smojver
College colleague (uncredited)

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