Action Adventure Comedy
Under Japanese imperialism, Korean national treasure Golden Buddha is stolen. More important to national security, the statue contains vital information concerning Korean freedom fighters and their whereabouts as well as their true identities. The interim Korean government appoints legendary Korean spy Agent Dachimawa Lee to recover the fabled statue and reveal the dark plot behind the theft.
Directed by
Ryoo Seung-wan
Hwang Bo-ra
Gong Hyo-jin
Keum Yeon-ja
Jeong Seok-yong
Agent 8 (uncredited)
Park Si-yeon
Kim Roi-ha
General Kim (uncredited)
Ahn Kil-kang
Agent 6 (uncredited)
Jung Woo
Military Captain (uncredited)
Ryoo Seung-bum
Border Lynx
Oh Ji-hye
Madame Jang (uncredited)
Im Won-hee
Dachimawa Lee
Kim Su-hyun
Damanegi (uncredited)
Lee Jeong-heon
Yasi (uncredited)
Jo Deok-hyeon
Hoo Ga-shi (uncredited)
Kim Yeong-in
Doctor Nam (uncredited)
Kim Heung-rae
man with unnatural strength (uncredited)
Hwang Choon-ha
Tortured Man (uncredited)

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