Drama History War
This big-budget historical epic from acclaimed Egyptian director Youssef Chahine features a crazed turn by Patrice Chereau as Napoleon Bonaparte. The film, an Egyptian-French co-production, deals with Napoleon's occupation of Alexandria and its effect on a typical Egyptian family. Michel Piccoli leads the cast as a general in Napoleon's army who tentatively befriends a local poet.
Directed by
Youssef Chahine
Written by
Yousry Nasrallah, Youssef Chahine, Mohsen Mohey ElDein
Huda Sultan
Salah Zulfikar
Michel Piccoli
Gamil Ratib
Ali Al Sharif
Naima ElSoghier
Abla Kamel
La femme de Bakr
Hassan Hussein
Le père
Tahiya Cariocca
Tawfiq Al-Deqen
Christian Patey
Ahmed Abdelaziz
Mahmoud El Gendy
Mohsena Tawfiq
Mohsen Mohey ElDein
Mohamed Dardeery
Hassan El-Adl
Antic Melkior
Seif Abdelrahman
Mohamed Atef
Dahlia Younès
Jean-Pierre Michaud
L'imprimeur Marcel
Claude Cernay
Hassan El Geretly

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