Comedy Drama
"A truly remarkable performance!" - Charlie Chaplin In this rare and virtually unseen film we follow the exploits of Leroy Mahoney (Alexis Kanner) as he settles in the country leaving behind a wayward life to work his land. With plot only provided as subtext, the simple story is a dramatization of a man and his resolve to live a quite honest life farming. Mahoney’s Last Stand has only appeared on Canadian TV and in particular remains neglected, forgotten even, with no release even on VHS.
Directed by
Harvey Hart, Alexis Kanner
Sam Waterston
Maud Adams
Ed McNamara
Clerk in General Store
Diana Leblanc
Alexis Kanner
Leroy Mahoney
Irk Shunk
Irk Shunk - The Old Man
Hugh Watson
Christine Thomas

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