Animation Family Fantasy
Wysteria is beaming with pride; her gardens are in bloom, her little Breezie friends are in town, and it's time for Ponyville's fanciest spring parade, the ultimate celebration of flowers, flowers, flowers! But things don't go according to plan when Wysteria accidentally awakens Spike the Dragon, a sleepy, silly 1,000-year-old dragon. For you see, legend holds that when a dragon is awakened, an new princess is about to be crowned. But who is the Princess of Ponyville?
Directed by
Victor Dal Chele
Written by
Jeanne Romano
Brian Drummond
Spike (voice)
Venus Terzo
Rainbow Dash / Sparkleworks / Breezie #2 (voice)
Britt McKillip
Tra La La (voice)
Kelly Sheridan
Cotton Candy (voice)
Andrea Libman
Zipzee (voice)
Tabitha St. Germain
Wysteria / Minty / Triple Treat (voice)
Adrienne Carter
Sunny Daze (voice)
Janyse Jaud
Pinky Pie / Ladybug / Breezie #3 (voice)
Chantal Strand
Tiddly Wink (voice)
Ellen Kennedy
Dafflidazey / Breezie #1 (voice)
Jillian Michaels
Razzaroo (voice)
Kathleen Barr
Sweetberry / Kimono (voice)
Saffron Henderson
Sky Wishes (voice)

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