Drama Mystery Thriller
Norm, an aimless writer, witnesses the murder of rock video star Madelaine X and feels guilty, as he did nothing to prevent it. At Madelaine’s funeral, he meets a mysterious woman in black with unexplained connections to the deceased singer.
Directed by
Patricia Rozema
Written by
Patricia Rozema
Sheila McCarthy
Margot Kidder
Madelaine X
Kate Nelligan
Maurice Godin
Nicky Guadagni
Narrator (voice)
Barbara Gordon
Mrs. Gentle
David Ferry
Record Executive
Harold Luft
Mr. Gentle
Tracy Moore
Record Executive
Erika Ritter
Radio Interviewer
Ziggy Lorenc
TV Interviewer
James Coburn
Bar Journalist
David Pressault
Flamenco Dancer
Sandy Creighton
Woman on Steps
Les Rubie
Man with Cow
Lisa Desmarais

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