Animation Fantasy Action Romance
In a loose retelling of the Revolutionary Girl Utena TV series, Utena Tenjou arrives at Ohtori Academy, only to be immediately swept up in a series of duels for the hand of her classmate Anthy Himemiya and the power she supposedly holds. At the same time, Utena reunites with Touga Kiryuu, a friend from her childhood who seems to know the secrets behind the duels. Utena must discover those secrets for herself, before the power that rules Ohtori claims her and her friends, new and old.
Directed by
Kunihiko Ikuhara
Takeshi Kusao
Kyoichi Saionji (voice)
Takehito Koyasu
Touga Kiryuu (voice)
Aya Hisakawa
Miki Kaoru (voice)
Kotono Mitsuishi
Juri Arisugawa (voice)
Ai Orikasa
Kanae Ohtori (voice)
Chieko Honda
Kozue Kaoru (voice)
Yuriko Fuchizaki
Anthy Himemiya (voice)
Yuri Shiratori
Nanami Kiryuu (voice)
Yuka Imai
Wakaba Shinohara (voice)
Mitsuhiro Oikawa
Akio Ohtori (voice)
Kumiko Nishihara
Shiori Takatsuki (voice)
Tomoko Kawakami
Utena Tenjou (voice)

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