War Action Adventure Drama
A young pilot in the German air force of 1918, disliked as lower-class and unchivalrous, tries ambitiously to earn the medal offered for 20 kills.
Directed by
John Guillermin
Written by
Gerald Hanley, David Pursall, Jack Seddon
George Peppard
Lt. Bruno Stachel
Ursula Andress
Countess Kaeti von Klugermann
James Mason
General Count von Klugermann
Jeremy Kemp
Willi von Klugermann
Anton Diffring
Friedrich von Ledebur
Feldmarschall von Lenndorf
Derek Newark
Derren Nesbitt
Peter Woodthorpe
Harry Townes
Carl Schell
Manfred Von Richthofen
Alex Scott
The Orator
Karl Michael Vogler
Colonel Otto Heidemann
Loni von Friedl
Elfi Heidemann
Roger Ostime
The Crown Prince
Hugo Schuster
Hans. Elderly Servant

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