Drama Romance Comedy
Karel Novak is an incredibly naive Czech immigrant who is taken under the wing of streetwise New York chorus girl Sylvia. With the help of lovable cop-on-the-beat Murphy, Sylvia hides Karel from the immigration authorities and ultimately falls in love with him. In addition to Karel's illegal-alien status, the plot is complicated by a crooked lawyer and a group of well-meaning welfare workers who endeavor to place Sylvia's kid brother Frank in a foster home.
Directed by
Stephen Roberts
Ginger Rogers
Sylvia Dennis
Donald Meek
Sidney Toler
Sergeant Duffy
Andy Clyde
Store Owner (uncredited)
Spencer Charters
Clerk (uncredited)
Eily Malyon
Miss Evans
Jimmy Butler
Frank Dennis
Arthur Hohl
Oscar Apfel
Lillian Harmer
Reginald Barlow
Chief Customs Inspector
Francis Lederer
Karel Novak
Helen Ware
Miss Anthrop
J. Farrell MacDonald

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