Comedy Drama
Breza, a country boy from a godforsaken Prekmurje village, wishes to perform at the village festivities playing his electric guitar, but is faced with fierce competition in the form of a traditional Roma band entertaining the villagers by playing popular folk music. Nevertheless, his music seems to be the key to the heart of Silvija, a village beauty and the daughter of a wealthy gastarbeiter from Switzerland, who was sent home to find a healthy Slovene husband. However, the story of Breza and Silvija only marks the beginning of the plot whose main character is actually Düplin, an eccentric outsider, a deaf-and-dumb tramp or, as Breza's mother, the old Popovka, a farm owner and a fortune-teller also referred to as Strina, called him "a lad from a citrus producing country".
Directed by
Branko Đurić
Written by
Branko Đurić, Miroslav Mandić, Feri Lainšček
Branko Đurić
Dario Varga
Semka Sokolović-Bertok
Tanja Ribič
Vlado Novak
Silvijin oče
Zala Đurić-Ribič
Ludvik Bagari
Jaka Fon
Vlado Kreslin
Jernej Kuntner
Nataša Matjašec
Krunoslav 'Kićo' Slabinac
Šef bande
Miran Camplin
Mišo Kontrec
Jure Lang
Irena Varga
Gorazd Žilavec
Vita Živko

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