Animation Family
After losing everything, a young fish, Pi, goes to live with his family on the Reef. There he meets the love of his life but finds that she already has the unwanted affections of a bully shark. He must follow his destiny to save her and rid the Reef of this menace for good.
Directed by
John Fox, Kyung Ho Lee, Howard E. Baker
Fran Drescher
Pearl (voice)
Rob Schneider
Nerissa (voice)
Donal Logue
Troy (voice)
Mel Rodriguez
Manny / Dr. Tang (voice)
John Rhys-Davies
Thorton (voice)
Andy Dick
Dylan / Curious Shark (voice)
Jimmy Bennett
Young Pi (voice)
Evan Rachel Wood
Cordelia (voice)
Richard Epcar
Moe (voice)
Freddie Prinze Jr.
Pi (voice)
Bruno Alexander
Pi's Dad (voice)
Trent Ford
Percy (voice)
Megahn Perry
Percy's Mum / Female Parrotfish (voice)
R. Lee Ermey
Jack (voice)
Dylan Cash
Young Percy (voice)
Reedy Gibbs
Pi's Mom (voice)

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