Action Adventure Comedy TV Movie
When mischievous teenaged cousins Bo and Luke Duke are arrested, both boys are paroled to the care of their Uncle Jesse in Hazzard, sentenced to a summer of hard work. It's not long before the Duke boys learn of Boss Hogg's plans to foreclose on Uncle Jesse's farm. Together, with help from their cousin Daisy, Bo and Luke vow to save the family's property and its storied history of producing the best moonshine in all of Hazzard.
Directed by
Robert Berlinger
Written by
Gy Waldron, Shane Morris
Sherilyn Fenn
Lulu Hogg
Doug Jones
Gary Cole
The Balladeer (voice)
Harland Williams
Rosco P. Coltrane
Christopher McDonald
JD "Boss" Hogg
Joel David Moore
Jonathan Bennett
Bo Duke
Jennifer Hill
Brooke Handy
Randy Wayne
Luke Duke
Tarah Paige
Todd Grinnell
Hughie Hogg
Eve Sigall
Tough Woman
Alex Boling
April Scott
Daisy Duke
Willie Nelson
Jesse Duke
Challen Cates
Casey Durkin
Sunbathing Girl #2
Trishelle Cannatella
Ali Handy
Joe Gieb
Carnival Midget
Rufus Dorsey
DMV Examiner
Carrie Minter
Sunbathing Girl #1
Chris LaCentra
Joni Podesta
Brian J. Williams

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