Drama Thriller
Working-class waitress Slim thought she was entering a life of domestic bliss when she married Mitch, the man of her dreams. After the arrival of their first child, her picture perfect life is shattered when she discovers Mitch's hidden possessive dark side, a controlling and abusive alter ego that can turn trust, love and tranquility into terror. Terrified for her child's safety, Slim flees with her daughter. Relentless in his pursuit and enlisting the aid of lethal henchmen, Mitch continually stalks the prey that was once his family.
Directed by
Michael Apted
Written by
Nicholas Kazan
Jennifer Lopez
Slim Hiller
Juliette Lewis
Jeff Kober
FBI Agent
Noah Wyle
Fred Ward
Billy Campbell
Mitch Hiller
Kerri Higuchi
Ticket Clerk
Bill Cobbs
Jim Toller
Dan Martin
FBI Agent
Louisa Abernathy
Bank Teller
Brent Sexton
FBI Agent
Bruce A. Young
Bruce French
James Noah
Mr. Hiller
Dan Futterman
Janet Carroll
Mrs. Hiller
Victor McCay
Electronics Store Clerk
Leif Riddell
First Cop
Tessa Allen
Gracie Hiller
John O'Brien
Front Desk Clerk
Christopher Maher
Lynne Marie Stewart
Sandra Nelson
Teacher Betty
Margaret Emery
Jupiter's Blonde Girl
Nikki Bokal
Mitch's Young Blonde
Fern Ward
Soup Server
Ruben Madera
Alder Sherwood

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