Crime Drama TV Movie
"The Laramie Project" is set in and around Laramie, Wyoming, in the aftermath of the murder of 21-year-old Matthew Shepard. To create the stage version of "The Laramie Project," the eight-member New York-based Tectonic Theatre Project traveled to Laramie, Wyoming, recording hours of interviews with the town's citizens over a two-year period. The film adaptation dramatizes the troupe's visit, using the actual words from the transcripts to create a portrait of a town forced to confront itself.
Directed by
Moisés Kaufman
Clancy Brown
Rob Debree
Christina Ricci
Romaine Patterson
Joshua Jackson
Matt Galloway
Steve Buscemi
Doc O'Connor
Jeremy Davies
Jedadiah Schultz
Lois Smith
Lucy Thompson
Margo Martindale
Trish Steger
Laura Linney
Sherry Johnson
Tom Bower
Father Roger Schmit
Michael Emerson
Nestor Carbonell
Moisés Kaufman
Dylan Baker
Rulon Stacey
Janeane Garofalo
Catherine Connolly
Summer Phoenix
Jen Malmskog
Camryn Manheim
Rebecca Hilliker
Terry Kinney
Dennis Shepard
Clea DuVall
Amanda Gronich
Ben Foster
Aaron Kreifels
Richard Riehle
Henderson Trial Judge
Peter Fonda
Doctor Cantway
Mark Webber
Aaron McKinney
Bill Irwin
Harry Woods
Frances Sternhagen
Marge Murray
Amy Madigan
Reggie Fluty
Noah Fleiss
Shannon Shingleton
James Murtaugh
Reverend Fred Phelps
Kathleen Chalfant
Anonymous Female Rancher
Daniel Ahearn
Arraignment Judge
Kelli Simpkins
Leigh Fondakowski
Mercedes Herrero
Pam Sears
Grant Varjas
Greg Pierotti
Andy Paris
Stephen Belber
Billie McBride
Bill Christ
Man on the Porch
Regina Krueger
Alison Mears
Greg Pierotti
Jon Peacock
John McAdams
Jonas Slonaker
Michael K. Osborn
Murdock Cooper
Anne Cloud
Kristin Price
Leslie Henson
Catherine Connolly's Partner
Garrett Neergaard
Russell Henderson
Steef Sealy
Bill McKinney
Barbara Pitts
Sherry Aanenson
Roy Gabay

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