Adventure Drama History
Having found the fabulous treasure of which Abbé Faria had spoken to him, Dantès has only one idea left: revenge. He will succeed patiently, but will not however have the heart to break the poor Mercedes. Then he will leave for the East, accompanied by a lovely Levantine, Haydé, who served him to accomplish his revenge.
Directed by
Ferruccio Cerio, Robert Vernay
Written by
Guglielmo Santangelo, Pietro Solari, Charles Spaak
Alexandre Rignault
Aimé Clariond
Monsieur de Villefort
Henri Bosc
Fernand, le comte de Morcerf
Louis Salou
Marcel Herrand
Michèle Alfa
Lise Delamare
Haydée (French version only)
Marie-Hélène Dasté
Pierre Richard-Willm
Edmond Dantès / Le Comte de Monte Cristo
Carmen Boni
La Colombine
Jean Chaduc
Albert de Morcerf
André Fouché
Pierre Jourdan
Frantz d'Épinay
Hélène Vercors
Jo Dervo
Luigi Vampa
André Marnay
Le président de la cours d'Assises
André Bacqué
Suzanne Lorcia
Serge Peretti
Bianca Della Corte

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