Drama Comedy
Set in a tenement, a lonely confirmed bachelor occupies a room across the hall from a dour spinster. Children run amok in the hallways playing pranks on the two. A little girl from the floor above, now alone in the world, brings the pair together and brightens their lives.
Directed by
D.W. Griffith
Written by
George Hennessy
Adolph Lestina
1st Health Inspector
Kate Bruce
Sunbeam's Mamma
Gladys Egan
One of the Children in Hallway
Dell Henderson
The Bachelor
Claire McDowell
The Spinster
Priscilla Dean
In Tenement Hallway
Charles Hill Mailes
The Janitor
Ynez Seabury
Little Sunbeam
W. Chrystie Miller
Old Man In Tenement Hallway
Edna Foster
Child with Cap in Hallway
John T. Dillon
A Policeman

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