Crime Drama
Duke Berne, former big shot but now a three-time loser, fears returning to crime because a fourth conviction will mean a life sentence. Finally, haunted by his past and goaded by his cohorts, he joins in planning an armoured car robbery.
Directed by
Lewis Seiler
Written by
Daniel Fuchs, Bertram Millhauser, Abem Finkel
Humphrey Bogart
Joseph 'Duke' Berne
Eleanor Parker
Telephone Operator (voice)
Minor Watson
Warden George Booth
John Hamilton
Stanley Ridges
Martin T. Fleming, Attorney
Chick Chandler
Frank 'Dancer' Smith
Murray Alper
Quinto, a Convict
John Ridgely
Howard Da Silva
Joe King
Prosecutor Toohey
Frank Mayo
Doctor (uncredited)
Roland Drew
Virginia Brissac
Mrs. Booth
Richard Travis
George Anderson
Irene Manning
Lorna Fleming
Susan Peters
Ruth Carter
Joe Downing
Dorothy Kelly
Allen Pomeroy

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