Animation Action Adventure Family Fantasy
After experiencing traumatic nightmares of a time now past, the Sorceress summons Prince Adam and Cringer to Castle Grayskull to give Adam a precious, jeweled sword and send the pair to the planet Etheria to investigate its secrets.
Directed by
Marsh Lamore, Lou Kachivas, Ed Friedman, Bill Reed, Gwen Wetzler
Written by
Bob Forward, Larry DiTillio
Alan Oppenheimer
Skeletor / Man-at-Arms / Cringer / Battle Cat / Bald Rebel / Chef Alan (voice)
John Erwin
Prince Adam / He-Man / Beast Man (voice)
George DiCenzo
Bow / Hordak (voice)
Linda Gary
Teela / Queen Marlena / Sorceress / Shadow Weaver / Glimmer / Madame Razz (voice)
Melendy Britt
Princess Adora / She-Ra / Catra / Hunga the Harpy (voice)
Erika Scheimer
Queen Angella / Imp (voice)

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