Comedy Drama
Matt, a down-on-his-luck loser who on his birthday night discovers his fiancée, Jessica, in bed with another man. As Matt learns the true depth of Jessica's betrayal, he begins a downward spiral revenge quest that pits him face to face with a wide array of strangers including an eccentric pawn shop owner, an aging stripper, and a barber with an agenda.
Directed by
Nicholas Gyeney
Written by
Edi Zanidache, Nicholas Gyeney
Lee Majors
The Figure
Gary Busey
Margot Kidder
Mother Mable
Edward Furlong
Marshawn Lynch
Massive Goon
Brandy Kopp
Jonah Beres
Mahria Zook
Bill Sorice
Edward Michael Scott
Tyler Swift
Edi Zanidache
Daddy Dave

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