Comedy Romance
Whatever Works explores the relationship between a crotchety misanthrope, Boris and a naïve, impressionable young runaway from the south, Melody. When Melody's uptight parents arrive in New York to rescue her, they are quickly drawn into wildly unexpected romantic entanglements. Everyone discovers that finding love is just a combination of lucky chance and appreciating the value of "whatever works."
Directed by
Woody Allen
Written by
Woody Allen
Henry Cavill
Randy James
Michael McKean
Joe - Boris' Friend #3
Olek Krupa
Evan Rachel Wood
Melodie St. Ann Celestine
Patricia Clarkson
Jessica Hecht
Conleth Hill
Leo Brockman
Marcia DeBonis
Lady at Chinese Restaurant
Ed Begley Jr.
Armand Schultz
Television Voice (voice)
Carolyn McCormick
John Gallagher Jr.
Samantha Bee
Chess Mother
Yolonda Ross
Boy's Mother
Christopher Evan Welch
Lyle Kanouse
Boris' Friend #2
Kristen Ruhlin
Melodie Club Friend #3 (uncredited)
Clifford Lee Dickson
Boy on Street
Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman
Chess Girl
Nicole Patrick
Perry's Friend
Lindsay Michelle Nader
Television Voice (voice)

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