Action Animation Sci-Fi
Universal Century 0087. As the civil war between the AEUG and the Titans continues, Kamille meets a mysterious girl named Four. But his encounter with Four, one of the Titans' "cyber-Newtypes," fills his heart with anguish. The grief-stricken Kamille fights his way back to space to find the new mobile suit Zeta Gundam waiting for him. Meanwhile, Paptimus Scirocco, the man from Jupiter, has added his strength to that of the Titans. And a third power is finally making its move, in the form of the Zeon remnants of Axis... With enhanced animation and a theme song by GACKT, the tragic romance of Kamille and Four unfolds in this second part of the Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam feature trilogy.
Directed by
Yoshiyuki Tomino
Written by
Yoshiyuki Tomino
Hochu Otsuka
Yazan Gable (voice)
Yoshiko Sakakibara
Haman Karn (voice)
Daisuke Namikawa
Katz Kobayashi (voice)
Kazuhiko Inoue
Jerid Messa (voice)
Nobuo Tobita
Kamille Bidan (voice)
Four Murasame (voice)
Hirotaka Suzuoki
Bright Noa (voice)
Shuichi Ikeda
Char Aznable (voice)

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