Drama Comedy Romance
Verona and Burt have moved to Colorado to be close to Burt's parents but, with Veronica expecting their first child, Burt's parents decide to move to Belgium, now leaving them in a place they hate and without a support structure in place. They set off on a whirlwind tour of of disparate locations where they have friends or relatives, sampling not only different cities and climates but also different families. Along the way they realize that the journey is less about discovering where they want to live and more about figuring out what type of parents they want to be.
Directed by
Sam Mendes
Written by
Dave Eggers, Vendela Vida
John Krasinski
Burt Farlander
Catherine O'Hara
Gloria Farlander
Melanie Lynskey
Munch Garnett
Maya Rudolph
Verona De Tessant
Allison Janney
Carmen Ejogo
Grace De Tessant
Chris Messina
Tom Garnett
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Josh Hamilton
Paul Schneider
Jeff Daniels
Jerry Farlander
Jim Gaffigan
Charlie Crist
Conor Carroll
Samantha Pryor
Bailey Harkins
Brendan Spitz
Baby Neptune
Jaden Spitz
Baby Neptune

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