Animation Family Fantasy
It is Christmas Eve, and the Stahlbaum family is happily unwrapping their Christmas gifts. After all the merriment, seven-year-old Marie receives a very special gift--a mysterious Nutcracker--from her beloved Godfather Drosselmeier. When the house falls dark and silent, Marie discovers that this is no ordinary Nutcracker, but Godfather Drosselmeier's nephew, who was transformed into a wooden toy by the curse of the evil Madame Mouserink. To break the curse, the Nutcracker must win the love of Marie and defeat the malicious, seven-headed Mouse King.
Directed by
Toshiyuki Hiruma, Takashi Masunaga
Written by
Jack Olesker
Garry Chalk
(voice) (as Gary Chalk)
Tom McBeath
Andrea Libman
Marie (voice) (as Andrean Libman)
Jesse Moss
Dale Wilson
Gerard Plunkett
Venus Terzo
Ian James Corlett
(voice) (as Ian Corlett)
Philip Maurice Hayes
(voice) (as Phil Hayes)
Scott McNeil
Richard Newman
Stevie Vallance
(voice) (as Louise Vallance)
Scott Swanson
Lillian Carlson
(voice) (as Lilliam Carlson)
Ellen Kennedy
Douglas Newell
Tony Ail
Nathan Aswell
Kathleen Barr
Kent Gallie
Roger Kelly
Terry Klassen
Joanne Lee
Lois McClean
Crystaleen O'Bray
Doug Parker
Bailee Reid
(voice) (as Cheralynn Bailey)
Susan Schiff
(voice) (as Susan Sciff)
Raquel Shane
Wanda Wilkinson

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