Family Drama Action
Jimmy Albright is a young athlete with a passion for boxing. His mentor, Harry Sloan, an aging trainer and former boxer, sees Jimmy's potential, not only as a boxer but as a young man. With Harry's guidance, Jimmy trains and fights his way to the top of his division. All things appear to be on track, except for one small twist: Jimmy's parents, Don and Doreen, don't know he's a boxer...
Directed by
John Hamilton
Natalie Vansier
Daisy Harmon
Rod Steiger
Harry Sloan
Jane Wheeler
Doreen Albright
Bruce Dinsmore
Terry Conroy
Mark Camacho
Dan Albright
Daniel Brochu
Deano Clavet
Victor Knight
Father Antoine
Tod Fennell
Russel Conroy
Jeff Saumier
Jimmy Albright
Ray Aranha
Cappy Dover
Babs Gadbois
Mrs. Barker
Jason Tremblay
Ryan Albright

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