Comedy Drama
Gabriel Caine has just been released from prison when he sets up a bet with a business man who owns most of Diggstown, a boxing-mad town. The bet is that Gabe can find a boxer that will knock out 10 Diggstown men, in a boxing ring, within 24 hours. Roy 'Honey' Palmer is that man that, at 48, many say he is too old.
Directed by
Michael Ritchie
Bruce Dern
John Gillon
James Woods
Gabriel Caine
Oliver Platt
Heather Graham
Emily Forrester
Jim Caviezel
Billy Hargrove
Michael DeLorenzo
Michael McGrady
Frank Mangrum
Louis Gossett Jr.
"Honey" Roy Palmer
Randall "Tex" Cobb
Wolf Forrester
Thomas Wilson Brown
Robby Gillon
Marshall Bell
Warden Bates
Frank Collison
Prison Guard
Jeremy Roberts
Orestes Matacena
Victor Corsini
Kim Robillard
Sheriff Stennis
Benny Urquidez
George D. Wallace
Bob Ferris
Laura Mae Tate
John Walter Davis
Chet Willis
Wilhelm von Homburg
Charles Macum Diggs
Duane Davis
Hambone Busby
Willie Green
Hammerhead Hagan
John Short
Corny 'Buster' Robbins
Roger Hewlett
Sam Lester
Rocky Pepeli
Buck Holland
Jeff Benson
Tank Miller
Raymond C. Turner
Slim Busby
Alex Garcia
Minoso Torres
Cynthia L. James
Mary Palmer
Kenneth White
Ben Culver
David Fresco
Troy Smith
Betting Guard
Larry Ham
Betting Guard
David Candreva
Jose Alcala
Boxing Kid
Victor Koliacos
Boxing Kid
Nelly Bly
Emily's Friend

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