Drama Comedy
Kerim lives with his family in a rent house for years. One day his landlord tells him to look for another house or raise the rent money.He finds a house by the help of Sühandan whom he works together and in love.
Directed by
Orhan Aksoy
Kemal Sunal
Renan Fosforoğlu
Rafet Bey
Füsun Demirel
Sabriye Kara
Yaşar Güner
Nevzat Okçugil
Uluer Süer
Tayfun Çorağan
Nurettin Şen
Kerim'in Bacanağı
Özlem Onursal
Mustafa Suphi Baltacı
Arzu Atalay
Selçuk Buğday
Çiğdem Gürtuna
Elif Gezen
Teoman Aksoy
Adem Taşay
Tuncay Halıcıoğlu

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