Action Horror Mystery Thriller
After the elevators at a New York City skyscraper begin inexplicably malfunctioning, putting its passengers at risk, mechanic Mark Newman and reporter Jennifer Evans begin separate investigations. Newman gets resistance from superiors at his company, which manufactured the elevator, while additional elevator incidents cause several gruesome deaths. The police get involved and suspect that terrorists are responsible, but a far stranger explanation looms.
Directed by
Dick Maas
Written by
Dick Maas
Ron Perlman
Naomi Watts
Jennifer Evans
Dan Hedaya
Lt. McBain
Edward Herrmann
Ike Barinholtz
Niles Benson
Michael Ironside
Gunter Steinberg
James Marshall
Mark Newman
Martin McDougall
Security Guard Andy
Todd Boyce
ESU Captain
Kathryn Meisle
John Cariani
Security Guard Gary
Eric Thal
Chris Barnes
William Vanderpuye
Natasja Loturco
Riley G. Matthews, Jr.
Nicolas de Pruyssenaere
David Gwillim
Blind Man (Mr Faith)
Peter Banks
Maintenance Chief
Wilke Durand
Kowalski's Wife
Priscilla Hendrickse
Hooker #2
Sasha Woman
Hooker #1
Diana Wiersma

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