Adventure Drama
Inflamed by his readings of chivalric novels, Don Quixote, a knight with a sad face, accompanied by Sancho Panza, a peasant steeped in common sense, decides to set off across the world in search of improbable adventures.
Directed by
G.W. Pabst
Written by
Paul Morand, G.W. Pabst
Vladimir Sokoloff
Gypsy King
Mady Berry
Sancho Panza's Wife
Mireille Balin
The Niece
Arlette Marchal
The Duchess
Feodor Chaliapin Sr.
Don Quichotte
Charles Martinelli
The Chief of Police
René Donnio
Sancho Panza
Renée Valliers
Genica Athanasiou
The Maid

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