Family Adventure Animation Comedy
Fearing that he costs too much to feed, Clifford decides to join a traveling carnival so he can enter a talent contest in hopes of winning a lifetime supply of Tummy Yummies treats. Joined by his friends Cleo and T-Bone, Clifford meets up with Shackleford the High-Flying Ferret and Rodrigo Chihuahua of Steel, as they work together to turn a broken-down act into a record-breaking show.
Directed by
Robert C. Ramirez
Written by
Norman Bridwell
Jenna Elfman
Dorothy (voice)
John Goodman
George Wolfsbottom (voice)
Wilmer Valderrama
Rodrigo (voice)
Grey DeLisle
Emily Elizabeth (voice)
Teresa Ganzel
Liza (voice)
Cree Summer
Cleo (voice)
Kath Soucie
Jetta / Madison (voice)
John Ritter
Clifford the Big Red Dog (voice)
Ernie Hudson
P.T. (voice)
Cam Clarke
Mr. Mark Howard / Marcus (voice)
Earl Boen
Mr. Bleakman (voice)
Judge Reinhold
Larry (voice)
Wayne Brady
Shackelford (voice)
Kel Mitchell
T-Bone (voice)
Jess Harnell
Dirk (voice)
Nick Jameson
Sheriff Lewis (voice)
Oren Williams
Charley (voice)

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