Fantasy Animation Drama Romance Family
During the times of King Arthur, Kayley is a brave girl who dreams of following her late father as a Knight of the Round Table. The evil Ruber wants to invade Camelot and take the throne of King Arthur, and Kayley has to stop him.
Directed by
Frederik Du Chau
Gary Oldman
Ruber (voice)
Pierce Brosnan
King Arthur (voice)
Frank Welker
Ayden (voice)
Jessalyn Gilsig
Kayley (voice)
Cary Elwes
Garrett (voice)
Jane Seymour
Juliana (voice)
Gabriel Byrne
Lionel (voice)
Bronson Pinchot
Grifin (voice)
Jaleel White
Bladebeak (voice)
Eric Idle
Devon (voice)
Jack Angel
Additional Voices (voice)
Mickie McGowan
Additional Voices (voice)
John Gielgud
Merlin (voice)
Don Rickles
Cornwall (voice)
Céline Dion
Juliana (singing voice)
Sherry Lynn
Additional Voices (voice)
Steve Perry
King Arthur (singing voice)
Andrea Corr
Kayley (singing voice)
Korey Coleman
Bryan White
Garrett (singing voice)
Sarah Freeman
Young Kayley (voice)

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