Drama Mystery
When a kindly priest is murdered while waiting at a street corner in a quiet Connecticut town, the citizens are horrified and demand action from the police. All of the witnesses identify John Waldron, a nervous out-of-towner, as the killer. District Attorney Henry Harvey is then put on the case and faces political opposition in his attempt to prove Waldron's innocence.
Directed by
Elia Kazan
Written by
Fulton Oursler
Brian Keith
Man in Mob Behind Courthouse
Bert Freed
Herron, a Man in Alley Mob
Dana Andrews
State's Attorney Henry L. Harvey
Karl Malden
Det. Lt. White
Lee J. Cobb
Chief Harold F. 'Robbie' Robinson
Ed Begley
Paul Harris
Robert Keith
'Mac' McCreery
Jane Wyatt
Madge Harvey
Taylor Holmes
T.M. Wade
Reed Hadley
Narrator (voice)
Arthur Kennedy
John Waldron
Leona Roberts
Mrs. Crossman
Sam Levene
Morning Record's Reporter Dave Woods
Anthony Ross
Frank Overton
Man in Mob Behind Courthouse
Philip Coolidge
Jim Crossman
Cara Williams
Irene Nelson
Wyrley Birch
Father George A. Lambert
Harry Davis

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