Action Drama
Survivor Series (1988) was the second annual Survivor Series pay-per-view professional wrestling event produced by the World Wrestling Federation (WWF). It took place on November 24, 1988 (Thanksgiving night in the United States) and was held at the Richfield Coliseum, in Richfield, Ohio. The main event was a ten-man Survivor Series match between a team captained by The Mega Powers (Hulk Hogan and WWF Champion Randy Savage) and a team captained by The Twin Towers (Akeem and The Big Boss Man). Hogan and Savage were the sole "survivors" of the match. The undercard featured three Survivor Series matches between mid-card wrestlers.
Directed by
Vince McMahon
Written by
Bruce Prichard, Vince McMahon, Pat Patterson
Hulk Hogan
Hulk Hogan
Rick Rood
"Ravishing" Rick Rude
Jim Hellwig
The Ultimate Warrior
Pat Patterson
Jim Duggan
"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan
Bret Hart
Bret "Hitman" Hart
Jim Neidhart
Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart
Jimmy Hart
"The Mouth of The South" Jimmy Hart
André Roussimoff
André The Giant
Michael Hickenbottom
Shawn Michaels
Curt Hennig
Mr. Perfect
Ed Leslie
Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake
Michael Smith
Sam Houston
John Wisniski Jr.
Greg "The Hammer" Valentine
Ray Traylor
Big Boss Man
Ray Heenan
Bobby "The Brain" Heenan
Michael Jones
George Gray
Randy Poffo
“Macho Man” Randy Savage
Paul Taylor
The Red Rooster
Owen Hart
The Blue Blazer
Bruce Prichard
Tonga Fifita
David Smith
Ken Patera
Harry Fujiwara
Mr. Fuji
Jacques Rougeau
Jim Harrell
Boris Zhukov
Scott Casey
"Cowboy" Scott Casey
Tully Blanchard
Adolfo Bresciano
Dino Bravo
Merced Solis
Tito Santana
Martin Lunde
Arn Anderson
Sione Vailahi
The Barbarian
Harley Race
Jean Gagné
Frenchy Martin
Elizabeth Hulette
Miss Elilzabeth
Tom Billington
The Dynamite Kid
Frederick Jannetty
Marty Jannetty
James Manley
Jim Powers
Ted DiBiase Sr.
"The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase
Wayne Farris
The Honky Tonk Man
Aurelian Smith Jr.
Jake "The Snake" Roberts
Josip Peruzović
Nikolai Volkoff
Ken Johnson
"The Doctor of Style" Slick
Paul Centopani
Paul Roma
Barry Darsow
Raymond Rougeau
Ray Fernandez
The Mighty Hercules
Bill Eadie
Terry Szopinski
The Warlord
Jim Morris
Hillbilly Jim
Jim Brunzell
"Jumpin" Jim Brunzell
James Ware
"The Birdman" Koko B. Ware
Ron Heard
"Outlaw" Ron Bass
Dan Marsh
"Dangerous" Danny Davis
Allen Coage
Bad News Brown
José Estrada Sr.
Conquistador Dos
Marcelino Rivera Alicea
Conquistador Uno

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