Music Comedy Drama
Ted Howard, a vaudevillian left, stranded in a tank town. A local girl, Mary (Sally O'Neil), proposes to finance a new act with her savings and the team succeeds in a minor way until Ted is discovered by Broadway femme fatale Valeska (Carmel Myers). Not wishing to stand in her partner's way, Mary nobly resigns from the act and instead accepts a minor role in the show. She proves a sensation on opening night, however, and a jealous Valeska demands her ousted. But Ted, who is in love with Mary, reorganizes their old act and they begin a new life together as man and wife.
Directed by
George Archainbaud
Written by
Norman Houston, Gladys Lehman, Howard J. Green
Carmel Myers
Bill Elliott
George Halloway
Jack Egan
Ted Howard
Charles C. Wilson
John Hyams
Tom O'Brien
Bill Gray
Doris Dawson
J. Barney Sherry
Le Maire
Sally O'Neil
Charles Lane

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