Comedy Family
High-schooler Grover Beindorf and his younger sister Stacy decide that their parents, Janet and Ned, are acting childishly when they decide to divorce after 18 years of marriage, so they lock them up in the basement until they'll sort out their problems.
Directed by
Harry Winer
Written by
Michael Hitchcock
Colleen Camp
Mrs. Burtis
Jennifer Tilly
Cindy Figler
Daniel Roebuck
Officer Brickowski
Wallace Shawn
Victor Finley
Jamie Lee Curtis
Janet Beindorf
Jennifer Love Hewitt
Brooke Figler
Christopher McDonald
Donald Krupp
Sheila McCarthy
Gwenna Krupp
Kevin Pollak
Ned Beindorf
Shelley Hack
Dr. Erica Gilliland, Ph.D. (uncredited)
Ben Stein
Ralph Doyle
Ray Walston
Chief Rocco
Michael Hitchcock
Patrika Darbo
Cafeteria Cashier
Caroline Aaron
Louise Finley
Kyle Howard
Gregory Alan 'Grover' Beindorf
Herbert Russell
T.J. Krupp
Amy Sakasitz
Stacy Beindorf
K. Todd Freeman
Officer Davis
Mooky Arizona
Matt Finley
Josh Wolford
Teddy Finley

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