Action Adventure Sci-Fi Fantasy Family
The story begins when Geki Red battles Nunchaku Banki after returning from his trip around the world for Natsume's birthday, with Geki Yellow and Geki Blue arriving to provide backup. After sending the Gekirangers into another dimension, the Go-ongers arrive before the Savage Machine Beast departs after his quarry. After clearing a misunderstanding with Geki Violet and Geki Chopper, the two bring them to SCRTC to see Master Xia Fu, with Hant revealing he met Miki at one of his past jobs at the Kyoryuya Curry Shop.
Directed by
Satoshi Morota
Soichiro Hoshi
Engine Birca (voice)
Akira Ishida
Bae (voice)
Tomomichi Nishimura
Engine Jumbowhale (voice)
Daisuke Namikawa
Engine Speedor (voice)
Nao Oikawa
Water Pollution Minister Kegalesia
Ichiro Nagai
Master Xia Fu (voice)
Hisao Egawa
Engine Bus-On (voice)
Yumi Sugimoto
Miu Suto / Go-On Silver
Rina Aizawa
Saki Rouyama / Go-On Yellow
Yasuhisa Furuhara
Sosuke Ezumi / Go-On Red
Kenji Hamada
Engine Gunpherd (voice)
Mitsuaki Madono
Air Pollution Minister Kitaneidas (voice)
Akiko Nakagawa
BOMPER (voice)
Kiyoyuki Yanada
Land Pollution Minister Yogostein (voice)
Kazue Itō
Miki Masaki
Hidenari Ugaki
Meka (voice)
Kiyotaka Furushima
Engine Jetras (voice)
Kenji Ebisawa
Gunpei Ishihara / Go-On Black
Hirofumi Araki
Black Lion Rio
Sakina Kuwae
Natsume Masaki
Hidenori Tokuyama
Hiroto Suto / Go-On Gold
Yuka Hirata
Confrontation Beast Chameleon‑Fist Mele
Mina Fukui
Ran Uzaki / Geki Yellow
Naoki Kawano
Miki Inoue
Engine Bear RV (voice)
Shinwa Kataoka
Renn Kosaka / Go-On Blue
Kyousei Tsukui
Engine Carrigator (voice)
Takahiro Yoshimizu
Nunchuck Banki (voice)
Shizuka Ishikawa
Engine Toripter (voice)
Manpei Takagi
Retsu Fukami / Geki Blue
Hiroki Suzuki
Jan Kandou / Geki Red
Masahiro Usui
Hant Jo / Go-On Green
Riki Miura
Gou Fukami / Geki Violet
Ken Hisatsu / Geki Chopper

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