Mystery Horror
Professor David Ash exposes false spiritulists and mediums. He is invited to Edbrook to resolve the fears and torments within its secretive family. Soon after arriving Ash begins to doubt his own senses, and watching the strange behaviour of its residents does not make his task any easier. In time, he finds there's more to Edbrook than even he can debunk.
Directed by
Lewis Gilbert
Written by
Timothy Prager, Lewis Gilbert, Bob Kellett
Kate Beckinsale
Christina Mariell
Aidan Quinn
Prof. David Ash
John Gielgud
Doctor Doyle
Geraldine Somerville
Emily Hamilton
Linda Bassett
Madame Brontski
Anthony Andrews
Robert Mariell
Liz Smith
Old Gypsy Woman
Anna Massey
Nanny Tess Webb
Hilary Mason
Elderly Lady
Victoria Shalet
Juliet Ash
Alex Lowe
Simon Mariell
Pamela Devis
Peter England
Young David
Alice Douglas

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