Adventure Thriller Drama
Rick Leland makes no secret of the fact he has no loyalty to his home country after he is court-martialed out of the army and boards a Japanese ship for the Orient in late 1941. But has Leland really been booted out, or is there some other motive for his getting close to fellow passenger Doctor Lorenz? Any motive for getting close to attractive traveler Alberta Marlow would however seem pretty obvious.
Directed by
John Huston
Humphrey Bogart
Rick Leland
Charles Drake
Officer (uncredited)
Kam Tong
T. Oki
Philip Ahn
Man in Theatre (uncredited)
John Hamilton
Court-Martial President
William Hopper
Orderly (uncredited)
Victor Sen Yung
Joe Totsuiko
Mary Astor
Alberta Marlow
Sydney Greenstreet
Dr. Lorenz
Frank Faylen
Sidewalk Toy Vendor (uncredited)
Jack Mower
Major (uncredited)
Ruth Ford
Secretary (uncredited)
Keye Luke
Steamship Office Clerk
Dick Botiller
Waiter (uncredited)
Anthony Caruso
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Roland Drew
Capt. Harkness
Frank Wilcox
Capt. Morrison
Chester Gan
Capt. Higoto
Monte Blue
Dan Morton
Charles Halton
A.V. Smith
Roland Got
Frank Mayo
Trial Judge Advocate (uncredited)
Tom D'Andrea
Toy Seller (uncredited)
Ray Spiker
Subway Conductor (uncredited)
Gordon De Main
Dock Official (uncredited)
Richard Loo
First Officer Miyuma
Lester Matthews
Canadian Major
Eddie Dew
Unidentified Man (uncredited)
Ralph Brooks
Officer at Court Martial (uncredited)
Paul Stanton
Col. Hart
Cyril Ring
Canadian Officer (uncredited)
Lee Tung Foo
Sam Wing On
James B. Leong
Nura (uncredited)
Tom Stevenson
Unidentified Man
Spencer Chan
Chief Engineer Mitsuko
Rudy Robles
A Filipino Assassin
Wong Chung
Panama Theatre Doorman (uncredited)
Paul Fung
Japanese Radio Operator (uncredited)
Jester Hairston
Passerby (uncredited)

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