Drama War
The captain of a submarine sunk by the Japanese during WWII is finally given a chance to skipper another sub after a year of working a desk job. His singleminded determination for revenge against the destroyer that sunk his previous vessel puts his new crew in unneccessary danger.
Directed by
Robert Wise
Jack Warden
Yeoman 1st Class Mueller
Brad Dexter
Burt Lancaster
Lt. Jim Bledsoe
Don Rickles
Quartermaster 1st Class Ruby
Rudy Bond
Sonarman 1st Class Cullen
Skip Ward
Minor Role (uncredited)
Russell Thorson
Submarine Crewman (uncredited)
Ken Lynch
Frank (uncredited)
Clark Gable
Cmdr, Richardson
Alexander Lockwood
Minor Role (uncredited)
Nick Cravat
H.M. Wynant
Corpsman Hendrix (uncredited)
Joe Maross
Dale Ishimoto
Japanese sailor (uncredited)
Joel Fluellen
Bragg (uncredited)
Teru Shimada
Japanese Submarine Commander (uncredited)
Mary LaRoche
Laura Richardson
John Bryant
Carl Beckman (uncredited)
Jimmy Bates
Jessie (uncredited)
Rodger Terry
Crewman (uncredited)
John Gibson
Capt. Blunt (uncredited)
John Close
Co-ordinate Fixer at Bungo Straits (uncredited)

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