Animation Family Fantasy
Dorothy and Toto return to the Land of Oz to find the Scarecrow as ruler of the Emerald City. Unfortunately for the new mayor, the wicked Mombi is conspiring to take over the city for herself. With the help of the Tin Woodsman, the Cowardly Lion and other familiar friends, Dorothy sets out to save Oz.
Directed by
Hal Sutherland
Written by
Norm Prescott, Fred Ladd
Paul Lynde
Pumpkinhead (voice)
Liza Minnelli
Dorothy (voice)
Mel Blanc
Crow (voice)
Milton Berle
Cowardly Lion (voice)
Mickey Rooney
Scarecrow (voice)
Larry Storch
Amos (voice)
Danny Thomas
Tin Man (voice)
Margaret Hamilton
Aunt Em (voice)
Herschel Bernardi
Woodenhead Pinto Stallion III (voice)
Ethel Merman
Mombi (voice)
Paul Ford
Uncle Henry (voice)
Jack E. Leonard
Signpost (voice)
Jimmy Van Heusen
Risë Stevens
Glinda (voice)
Dal McKennon
Omby Amby (voice)

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