Drama Romance
A four-part anthology film dealing with homosexuality from the young to the old. Crush, detailing the budding friendship of a 12-year old girl and a 16-year old boy, who bond over their favorite TV program and musical tastes. The Mountain King, details a young street hustler who makes a play for a straight man on a deserted beach one afternoon. . Lost is a look at a day in the life of a young man who is first seen engaging in unsafe sex with a random partner,. The Confession, a dying Catholic asks his partner of 35 years to send for a priest, even though the partner is greatly opposed to such a request. ~ Jason Clark, Rovi
Directed by
Dan Castle, Carl Pfirman, Duncan Tucker, Philip Bartell
Thad Luckinbill
Faux boy band model
Tom Fitzpatrick
Bert Kramer
Paul Dawson
John Sloan
Chris Rogers
Football player
Richard Blake
Jason Hewitt
Weston Mueller
Colin Bain
Faux boy band model
Brett Chukerman
Christopher Liebe
Father Marcus
Ema Tuennerman
Wayne Danner
Rick Eichelberger
Rengin Altay
Michael Zwiener
Margaret Kustermann
Jack Rogers
Robert Carson
Bethanie M. Ashley
Kissing Teenager #1
Aaron Novak
Kissing Teenager #2
Bryan Huff
Football player
Dustin Huff
Football player
Skyer McKinley
Football player
Savas Melidis
Football player
Raymond Price
Football player
Tom Sinnott
Football player
Willie Thompson
Football player
Mame Nowlin
Tim and Casey's mom
Emily Georges
Girl on street
Lexanne Dickerson
Girl on street
Megan Shirey
Girl on street
Scott Putman
Faux boy band model
Eric Eatherly
Faux boy band model
Jeff Peterson
Faux boy band model
Reudi Arnold
Faux boy band model
Paul R. Buranosky
Faux boy band model
Nicholas Docter
Faux boy band model
Steve Rebarcek
Faux boy band model

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