Drama Action Thriller
A corrupt businessman commits a murder and the only witness is the girlfriend of another businessman with close connections to the Chinese government, so a bodyguard from Beijing is dispatched to help two Hong Kong cops protect the witness.
Directed by
Corey Yuen
Jet Li
John Cheng
Corey Yuen
Shopper in mall
Kent Cheng Jak-Si
Charlie Leung
Collin Chou
Killer Wong
Christy Chung Lai-Tai
Michelle Yeung
Joey Leung
Ng Wai-Kwok
James Shong Sai Cheung
Chan Sek
Leung Kai-Chi
Benny Lai Keung-Kuen
Fong Yue
House maid
Jimmy Wong Wa-Wo
Wong Kam-Kong
Chiu Kwok Man
Sam Kai-Sen Huang
Wong's brother

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