Romance Comedy
Les Bingham takes umbrage that his ex-wife Katie has a new love in life. What he doesn't know is that her new paramour is lawyer Lou Springer. When Katie's sister Sally arrives and tells the two about her new, hip '70s marriage contract, Les and Katie decide to try to get together again under a more liberal marriage contract, like Katie's sister. But, unfortunately for the couple, the contract is planted with the seeds of self-destruction.
Directed by
Norman Panama
Diane Keaton
Katie Bingham
Elliott Gould
Les Bingham
Victoria Principal
Jackie Martin
Madge Sinclair
Dr. Williams
Paul Sorvino
Lou Springer
Candy Clark
Sally Bingham
Helen Funai
Miss Ito
Warren Berlinger
Steve Martin
Robert Alda
Dr. Magnus
Carmen Zapata
Sheila Rogers
Miss Donovan

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