Fantasy Animation Comedy
The young druid Imp y Celyn comes to Ankh-Morpork to become a famous musician, but a new guitar from a mysterious shop possesses him with a new kind of music - the Music with Rocks In. To make matters worse, Death, saddened by the death of his adopted daughter, has gone away to try and forget, and his granddaughter Susan suddenly has the family duty passed on to her.
Directed by
Jean Flynn
Christopher Lee
Death (voice)
Neil Morrissey
Mort (voice)
Graham Crowden
Mustrum Ridcully (voice)
Bryan Pringle
Albert (voice)
Bernard Wrigley
Asphalt (voice)
Andy Hockley
Imp y Celyn (voice)
Debra Gillett
Susan Sto Helit (voice)

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